Slinky - Looping Gif Animation
Spinning Top
Cootie Catcher - a game we played when we were children.
Hexahedron - Building Blocks
Concept. Things we play when we were a Child.. like the Slinky, Spin tops and Cootie Catcher. 
These are the things that bring happy memories. I wanted to capture the essence of fun and play.
Working on the Animation its pretty straight forward.. Using Maya as the base of animation.
After effects is used as the compositing.. The hardest bit is to figure the loop sequence.
Some animation its only 20 frames, while others require up to 75 frames.
 Thanks for watching.. 
Child's Play

Child's Play

Child's play - Toys breaking down to the simplest shape and form. These are the memories I have left as a child. Items that make us happy.
